The prevention of domestic violence starts with education. Educating men, women, and children on what constitutes domestic violence goes a long way toward preventing domestic violence.
2 million injuries and 1,300 deaths are caused each year as a result of domestic violence.
80% of all physical abuse goes unreported
1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men in the United States report abuse by an intimate partner in their lifetime.
3.3 million children witness their mothers being abused
Intimate partner violence, which includes teen dating violence, costs the US economy $12.6 billion dollars on an annual basis. Sexual assault is most costly of all the crimes to its victims.
77% of all rapes are committed by someone known to the victim
60% of all rapes occur in the survivor/victim’s home
57% of rapes involve only one assailant, 16% involve 2 rapists and 27% involve 3 or more rapists
One person is raped every 1.9 minutes
Total costs are estimated to be $127 billion a year in the United States, excluding the costs of child sexual abuse
Respect a person’s right to say “NO”
Educate yourself and others on the issues
Believe in equality
Volunteer at your local domestic violence and/or rape crisis program
Be aware of how violence is portrayed in the media
Believe survivors and victims
Contact your legislators and political leaders on the issues
Know the statistics
Speak out against all forms of violence
Stop yourself and others from ignoring sexual/domestic violence